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Greats of American Literature: Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964)

F lannery O'Connor was born March 25, 1925, and died August 3, 1964, due to her long-term battle with the incurable disease of disseminated lupus, after being diagnosed in 1950. Despite the fact she was a writer, she also had an interest in being a cartoonist, which is seen by many of her characters' descriptions from their dialogue and bodily gestures. O'Connor is probably one of the best-known short story writers in the history of American Literature, and although she passed at the unfortunate young age of 39, her classic Southern Gothic stories still live on and are learned and studied by many students in middle school, high school, and college. O'Connor's work focused on grotesque themes with a Southern twist, and often ended with coincidental irony and just the complete opposite than what the reader expects to happen. Some of her most famous short stories include "Good Country People," "A Good Man Is Hard To Find," and "The Geranium.&qu

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